
AEA Field Office

AEA Staff

Staff Directory
Cheryl Aberson's photo

Cheryl Aberson

Iowa IDEA System Specialist

712-222-6015 Email Cheryl Aberson
Sherri Anderson's photo

Sherri Anderson

Title III and EL Coach

712-222-6264 Email Sherri Anderson
Dan Bauerly's photo

Dan Bauerly

Media Van Driver

712-203-4030 Email Dan Bauerly
Thomas Bell's photo

Thomas Bell

Media Van Driver

712-251-9031 Email Thomas Bell
Amy Benson's photo

Amy Benson

Behavior Coach

712-222-6078 Email Amy Benson
Amanda Beyer's photo

Amanda Beyer

Instructional Technology Coach

712-222-6097 Email Amanda Beyer
Missy Bosman's photo

Missy Bosman

Special Education Secretary

712-222-6020 Email Missy Bosman
Cari Clyde's photo

Cari Clyde

Data Technician

712-222-6013 Email Cari Clyde
Dan Cox's photo

Dan Cox

Chief Administrator

712-222-6001 Email Dan Cox
Melinda DeLeeuw's photo

Melinda DeLeeuw

SDI Coach

712-222-6164 Email Melinda DeLeeuw
Chris Dicus's photo

Chris Dicus

CTE Coach

712-222-6049 Email Chris Dicus
Teresa Emge's photo

Teresa Emge

Data Technician

712-222-6018 Email Teresa Emge
Katy Evenson's photo

Katy Evenson

Executive Director of Integrated Services

712-222-6019 Email Katy Evenson
Sheila Finch's photo

Sheila Finch

Service Coordinator and Interventionist

712-222-6295 Email Sheila Finch
Valery Fuhrman's photo

Valery Fuhrman

Systems Coach

712-222-6206 Email Valery Fuhrman


Debbie Gibson

Secretary, Lending Library

712-222-6106 Email Debbie Gibson
Shari Hansen's photo

Shari Hansen

Literacy Coach

712-222-6107 Email Shari Hansen
Dana Hanson's photo

Dana Hanson

Literacy Coach

712-222-6041 Email Dana Hanson
Paula Harding's photo

Paula Harding

Systems Coach

712-222-6341 Email Paula Harding
Dan Hartley's photo

Dan Hartley

Media Van Driver

712-222-6065 Email Dan Hartley
Michelle Helt's photo

Michelle Helt

Systems Coach

712-222-6329 Email Michelle Helt
Faye Holsing's photo

Faye Holsing

Iowa IDEA Systems Coordinator/Administrative Asst

712-222-6326 Email Faye Holsing
Molly Holtz's photo

Molly Holtz

Sign-Language Interpreter Supervisor

712-222-6160 Email Molly Holtz
Bret Jackson's photo

Bret Jackson

Technology Support Specialist I

712-222-6044 Email Bret Jackson
Reann Jaminet's photo

Reann Jaminet

Systems Coach

712-222-6073 Email Reann Jaminet
Earl Jones's photo

Earl Jones

Media Van Driver

712-222-6065 Email Earl Jones
Patty Kann's photo

Patty Kann

SDI Coach

712-222-6086 Email Patty Kann
Jodi Kerns's photo

Jodi Kerns

Literacy Coach

712-222-6093 Email Jodi Kerns
Penni Kistner's photo

Penni Kistner

Professional Learning Specialist

712-222-6083 Email Penni Kistner
Julie Klein's photo

Julie Klein

Business Manager

712-222-6067 Email Julie Klein
Emily Koson's photo

Emily Koson

Literacy Coach

712-222-6331 Email Emily Koson
Brenda Langstraat-Janisch's photo

Brenda Langstraat-Janisch

Behavior Coach

712-222-6060 Email Brenda Langstraat-Janisch
Amy Legg's photo

Amy Legg

SDI Coach

712-222-6129 Email Amy Legg
John Lendt's photo

John Lendt

Maintenance Supervisor

712-281-3920 Email John Lendt
Sara Lias's photo

Sara Lias

Financial Specialist II

712-222-6319 Email Sara Lias
Vonda MacClure's photo

Vonda MacClure

Contracted - Teacher of the Visually Impaired

712-222-6062 Email Vonda MacClure
Ashlee Madetzke's photo

Ashlee Madetzke

SDI Coach

712-222-6274 Email Ashlee Madetzke
Katie Majeres's photo

Katie Majeres

Math Coach

712-222-6169 Email Katie Majeres
Bradey Malloy's photo

Bradey Malloy

Director of Information Technology

712-222-6084 Email Bradey Malloy
Jen Mars's photo

Jen Mars

Service Coordinator and Interventionist

712-222-6145 Email Jen Mars
Denise McCarty's photo

Denise McCarty

EC Coach

712-222-6118 Email Denise McCarty
Tom McGuire's photo

Tom McGuire

Science and Student Engagement Coach

712-222-6047 Email Tom McGuire
Polly Meissner's photo

Polly Meissner

Teacher Librarian Coach

712-222-6090 Email Polly Meissner
Jordan Menning's photo

Jordan Menning

Educational Consultant

712-222-6146 Email Jordan Menning
Teresa Murray's photo

Teresa Murray

Literacy Coach

712-222-6271 Email Teresa Murray
Jeff Roost's photo

Jeff Roost


712-223-8315 Email Jeff Roost
Juan Ruelas Landeros's photo

Juan Ruelas Landeros


712-454-9047 Email Juan Ruelas Landeros
Jerome Schaefer's photo

Jerome Schaefer

Executive Director of Human Resources & Engagement

712-222-6114 Email Jerome Schaefer
Sarah Schmid's photo

Sarah Schmid

Behavior Coach

712-222-6026 Email Sarah Schmid
Janelle Schorg's photo

Janelle Schorg

Systems Coach

712-222-6085 Email Janelle Schorg
Kathy Schroeder's photo

Kathy Schroeder

SDI Coach

712-222-6255 Email Kathy Schroeder
Anna Sengchan's photo

Anna Sengchan

Financial Specialist I

712-222-6398 Email Anna Sengchan
Nico Sengchan's photo

Nico Sengchan

Material Handler

712-222-6311 Email Nico Sengchan
Jeff Stokes's photo

Jeff Stokes

Technology Support Specialist I

712-222-6366 Email Jeff Stokes
Judy Sweetman's photo

Judy Sweetman

License Renewal Coordinator

712-222-6088 Email Judy Sweetman
Brooke Sydow's photo

Brooke Sydow

Administrative Specialist

712-222-6004 Email Brooke Sydow
Beth Tisher's photo

Beth Tisher

Behavior Coach

712-222-6382 Email Beth Tisher
Erin Vander Velde's photo

Erin Vander Velde

Special Education Strategist

712-222-6141 Email Erin Vander Velde
Kristi Wilshire's photo

Kristi Wilshire

Mentoring and Induction Coach

712-222-6066 Email Kristi Wilshire
Sherri Wing's photo

Sherri Wing

Board Sec and Admin Asst to Chief Administrator

712-222-6002 Email Sherri Wing
Mona Yanacheak's photo

Mona Yanacheak

Systems Coach

712-222-6095 Email Mona Yanacheak
Jacque Yaneff's photo

Jacque Yaneff

Instructional Technology Coach

712-222-6322 Email Jacque Yaneff
Nichole Zoeller's photo

Nichole Zoeller

Behavior Coach

712-222-6358 Email Nichole Zoeller