Discover What's Possible: Implementing MTSS
Coming on December 13, Northwest AEA will be hosting its annual Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) coaching conference. This year, the focus is on implementation -- Discover What’s Possible: Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Support.
If you support MTSS implementation in your building or district, are curious about implementation in a specific content area, or want to hear stories about other schools in your area and their implementation, this event is for you! As in years past, the conference will have content strands focusing on literacy, math, SEBH and more, as well as sessions designed for participants newer to MTSS and those who have been implementing MTSS for multiple years.
This year the conference will feature new “partner” breakout sessions where you’ll hear from AEA staff and school leaders who are directly implementing strategies in their buildings.
If you’re ready to register, see the flyer here with the registration link and other details! There is a $12 registration fee which includes a catered lunch.
Theresa Dehn, Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports Coordinator